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Mari Sembahyang Perempuan Pdf Fr

Mari Sembahyang Perempuan Pdf Fr

Mari Sembahyang Perempuan Pdf Fr is a book that can help you learn more about the Islamic prayer for women. It covers the conditions, the pillars, the obligations, the sunnahs, the manners, and the common mistakes of the prayer. It also explains the differences between men and women in prayer, such as the dress code, the posture, the voice, and the leadership. The book is written in Malay language and has 96 pages.

The book was written by Ahmad Sonhadji Mohamad, a Malaysian scholar who has authored several books on Islamic topics. The book was published in 1988 by Syarikat Bin Yahya, a publisher based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The book is available online for free download on Scribd. You can also buy a softcover edition from the publisher or from online stores like Amazon or eBay.

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Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner of the Islamic prayer for women, Mari Sembahyang Perempuan Pdf Fr can be a valuable resource for you. It can help you improve your knowledge and practice of the prayer, as well as your connection with Allah. You can also share it with your friends and family who are interested in learning more about this topic.

The Conditions of the Prayer

The conditions of the prayer are the prerequisites that must be fulfilled before performing the prayer. They include:

  • Being a Muslim

  • Being sane and mature

  • Being free from menstruation and postnatal bleeding

  • Being in a state of ritual purity (wudu or ghusl)

  • Covering the awrah (the parts of the body that must be concealed)

  • Facing the qiblah (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca)

  • Having the intention (niyyah) for the prayer

  • Praying at the prescribed time

If any of these conditions are missing, the prayer is invalid and must be repeated. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you meet all of them before starting your prayer.

The Pillars of the Prayer

The pillars of the prayer are the essential parts that must be performed in every unit (rak'ah) of the prayer. They include:

  • Standing upright (if able)

  • Reciting Surah al-Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Quran)

  • Bowing (ruku')

  • Rising from bowing

  • Prostrating (sujud)

  • Rising from prostration

  • Sitting between two prostrations

  • The final sitting (tashahhud)

  • The salutation (taslim)

If any of these pillars are omitted intentionally or unintentionally, the prayer is invalid and must be repeated.

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The obligations of the prayer are the parts that must be performed in the prayer, but are not as essential as the pillars. They include:

  • Reciting a surah or some verses after Surah al-Fatihah in the first two units of the prayer

  • Saying "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) when moving from one position to another

  • Saying "Subhana Rabbiyal 'Adhim" (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great) three times or more in bowing

  • Saying "Sami' Allahu liman hamidah" (Allah hears those who praise Him) when rising from bowing

  • Saying "Rabbana wa lakal hamd" (Our Lord, and to You is the praise) after rising from bowing

  • Saying "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) three times or more in prostration

  • Saying "Rabbighfir li" (My Lord, forgive me) or a similar supplication between two prostrations

  • Reciting the first tashahhud (the testimony of faith and the salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad) in the final sitting

  • Reciting the second tashahhud (the salutations upon Allah, His angels, His prophets, and the believers) in the final sitting

  • Saying "Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad" (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad) or a similar supplication in the final sitting

  • Turning the head to the right and saying "Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah" (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) for the first salutation

  • Turning the head to the left and saying "Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah" for the second salutation

If any of these obligations are omitted intentionally, the prayer is invalid and must be repeated. If any of them are omitted unintentionally, they can be compensated by performing two prostrations of forgetfulness (sujud as-sahw) at the end of the prayer.

The Sunnahs of the Prayer

The sunnahs of the prayer are the parts that are recommended to perform in the prayer, but are not obligatory. They include:

  • Raising the hands up to the level of the ears or shoulders when saying "Allahu Akbar" at the beginning of the prayer and when moving from one position to another

  • Folding the right hand over the left hand on the chest or below it while standing

  • Seeking refuge with Allah from Satan by saying "A'udhu billahi min ash-shaitanir rajeem" (I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed) before reciting Surah al-Fatihah

  • Saying "Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem" (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) before reciting Surah al-Fatihah or any other surah or verses

  • Saying "Ameen" (Amen) after reciting Surah al-Fatihah

  • Reciting a surah or some verses after Surah al-Fatihah in every unit of the prayer, not only in the first two units

  • Making supplications during bowing, rising from bowing, prostration, sitting between two prostrations, and before salutation

  • Being tranquil and still in every position of the prayer

If any of these sunnahs are omitted, there is no sin on the person who prays, but they will miss out on some rewards and virtues.

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The manners of the prayer are the etiquettes and behaviors that should be observed in the prayer, to show respect and reverence to Allah. They include:

  • Choosing a clean and suitable place for the prayer

  • Wearing clean and modest clothes that cover the awrah

  • Using a sutrah (a barrier) in front of you to prevent people from passing in front of you

  • Praying in congregation (jama'ah) whenever possible, especially for men

  • Following the imam (the leader of the prayer) in every movement and recitation, without preceding or lagging behind him

  • Praying with humility, concentration, and devotion, without being distracted by anything

  • Praying with sincerity, without showing off or seeking praise from others

  • Praying with hope, without despairing or doubting Allah's mercy and acceptance

If any of these manners are neglected, the person who prays will lose some of the benefits and rewards of the prayer, and may even incur some sins.

The Common Mistakes of the Prayer

The common mistakes of the prayer are the errors and faults that many people make in their prayer, either out of ignorance or negligence. They include:

  • Not fulfilling the conditions or the pillars or the obligations of the prayer properly

  • Rushing or delaying the prayer beyond its prescribed time

  • Making unnecessary movements or utterances during the prayer

  • Looking around or playing with one's clothes or hair during the prayer

  • Not reciting Surah al-Fatihah or any other surah or verses correctly or completely

  • Not bowing or prostrating or sitting properly or sufficiently

  • Not making supplications or remembrances after the prayer

  • Leaving the prayer without a valid excuse or reason

If any of these mistakes are made intentionally, the person who prays will be sinful and may invalidate their prayer. If any of them are made unintentionally, they should be corrected as soon as possible, and if necessary, perform two prostrations of forgetfulness at the end of the prayer.

``` Here is the continuation of the HTML article on the topic: "Mari Sembahyang Perempuan Pdf Fr" ```html The Differences between Men and Women in Prayer

There are some differences between men and women in prayer, based on the authentic evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah. They include:

  • Women are not obliged to pray in congregation, but they can join the men's congregation if they wish, provided that they stand behind them and not beside them

  • Women are not obliged to pray in the mosque, but they can pray there if they wish, provided that they have a separate area or a partition from the men

  • Women are not obliged to call the adhan (the call to prayer) or the iqamah (the announcement of the prayer), but they can do so if they are praying alone or with other women

  • Women are not obliged to lead the prayer, but they can do so if they are praying with other women, provided that they stand in the middle of the first row and not in front of them

Women are not obliged to recite aloud in the prayer, but they can do so if they are praying alone or with other women, provided that no non-


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